Podcast 0 Hatebreed’s Jamey Jasta Guests on The MetalSucks Podcast #150 June 13th, 2016 at 4:00pm MetalSucks Plus: Noisey's Cat Jones on the Pentagram/Wax Idols/King Woman debacle.
Shit That Comes Out Today 0 Sh*t That Comes Out Today: May 13, 2016 May 13th, 2016 at 1:00pm David Lee Rothmund Rothmund is back from vacation!!!! Heavy new releases in here by Phobocosm, Kvelertak, DevilDriver, Nothing, Hatebreed, Grand Magus, and tons more!
Reviews 0 Review: The Concrete Confessional is the Hatebreed Album You Wanted May 10th, 2016 at 4:30pm MetalSucks A bit of the same, yes. But it’s hard not to like.
New Stuff 0 Hatebreed Have “Seven Enemies” May 9th, 2016 at 10:30am Axl Rosenberg Today, Jamey Jasta wishes a motherfucker would try to see this fucked up world through his eyes.
Cinemetal 0 Hatebreed’s New Video Reminds Us of a Band From Flint, Michigan April 25th, 2016 at 11:30am Emperor Rhombus Let’s call them ‘Monarch Area Code.’
New Stuff 0 Hatebreed Mourn the Death of the American Dream on “A.D.” April 8th, 2016 at 10:30am Axl Rosenberg New album The Concrete Confessional drops in May.
Punishing Pictorials 0 If Metal Bands Were Food Products January 12th, 2016 at 4:00pm MetalSucks Yummy.
Tour de Force 0 Hatebreed to Tour with Re-Vamped DevilDriver January 12th, 2016 at 2:30pm Axl Rosenberg Also: Devil You Know and Act of Defiance.
This Sucks 0 Howard Jones (Devil You Know, Blood Has Been Shed, ex-Killswitch Engage) Once Attempted Suicide July 6th, 2015 at 4:00pm Axl Rosenberg The beloved vocalist shares his lowest point.
Tour de Force 0 God Damn! Slayer, Anthrax, Exodus, Hatebreed, Suicidal Tendencies and More Scheduled For Motörhead’s Motörboat Cruise! March 18th, 2015 at 4:30pm Emperor Rhombus Easily the biggest-name cruise line-up we’ve ever seen.
Black Collar Workers 0 Wanna Know How Much Money Hatebreed, Misfits, Enslaved and Others Earn to Play Shows? March 12th, 2015 at 2:00pm Axl Rosenberg Muh-nay muh-nay muh-nay muhhhhhh-nay… MUH-NAY!
New Stuff 0 Stream the New Jamey Jasta Track “The Immortal,” Written for UFC Fighter Matt Brown March 6th, 2015 at 2:00pm Vince Neilstein It’s good to hear from our old friend Jamey again.
This Sucks 0 Killswitch Engage Guitarist Adam Dutkiewicz’s The Price is Right Prizes to Suffer Cruel Fate March 6th, 2015 at 1:30pm Axl Rosenberg The price is wrong, bitch.
Tour de Force 0 Slipknot Confirm World Tour + U.S. Headline Dates with Hatebreed January 20th, 2015 at 10:30am Vince Neilstein UK, Europe, Australia and U.S.
Tour de Force 0 Juicy Tour Rumor: Are Slipknot and Hatebreed Going to Tour Together? January 19th, 2015 at 3:19pm Vince Neilstein It would certainly seem that way.
Hipsters Out Of Metal! 0 All That Remains Singer Phil Labonte Tees One Up October 8th, 2014 at 11:30am Anso DF Tells Jasta previous All That Remains album was less than awesome.
Tour de Force 0 Fifth Annual GWAR-B-Q Heats Up July 24th, 2014 at 10:00am Axl Rosenberg Fest adds Misfits, Jello Biafra.
Greatest Hits 0 Heavy Metal Drinking Games July 17th, 2014 at 2:30pm MetalSucks Do not read this if your name is Matt Pike.
Tour de Force 0 Knotfest 2014 to Feature Danzig, Five Finger Death Punch, Volbeat, Not Joey Jordison July 7th, 2014 at 1:30pm Axl Rosenberg Amongst a ton of others, natch.