...And F*ck You Too 1370 DEAR METAL BANDS: STOP IRONICALLY COVERING POP SONGS April 30th, 2009 at 10:41am Axl Rosenberg MetalSucks Maniac Matt Clark sent us the link to the […]
Editorials 280 SHARON OSBOURNE SAYS SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE! March 27th, 2009 at 1:00pm Axl Rosenberg Generally speaking, all evidence suggests that Sharon Osbourne is a […]
Cinemetal 180 DEAR NERGAL: PLEASE DON’T EVER APPEAR IN PUBLIC WITHOUT CORPSE PAINT AGAIN January 13th, 2009 at 1:15pm Axl Rosenberg Behemoth are getting ready to record their Metal Blade debut, […]
Cinemetal 70 EYAL LEVI AIN’T THE ONLY MEMBER OF DAATH WHO CAN SHRED January 12th, 2009 at 1:00pm Axl Rosenberg I’ve never actually caught Daath live (at least not yet), […]
What the...?? 280 FILE UNDER “ABOMINATIONS”: NICKELBACK COVER METALLICA’S “THE FOUR HORSEMEN” November 24th, 2008 at 3:30pm Vince Neilstein Blame it on Fall Out Boy. Shortly after these emo […]
New Stuff 360 THERE’S A NEW AVENGED SEVENFOLD DVD TRAILER! (AKA: THINGS HAVE BEEN A LITTLE TOO UNCONTROVERSIAL AROUND HERE LATELY) August 19th, 2008 at 12:28pm Vince Neilstein Get your arguing pants on, ’cause this band always inspires […]
210 METALLICA COVERING IRON MAIDEN; HEY, ANYTHING’S BETTER THAN ST. ANGER July 16th, 2008 at 2:13pm Vince Neilstein From the much bally-hooed Maiden Heaven Kerrang Iron Maiden tribute […]
New Stuff 90 KEEP OF KALESSIN: FOR FANS OF NACHTMYSTIUM. NO, SERIOUSLY. July 7th, 2008 at 3:06pm Vince Neilstein You know those annoying stickers that Victory Records puts on […]
Interviews 6490 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH SIGH’S MIRAI KAWASHIMA April 18th, 2008 at 4:30pm Axl Rosenberg Since hearing last year’s Hangman’s Hymn (read my review here), […]
The Hard R 60 THE HARD R: GOD FORBID’S DALLAS COYLE ON EVOLUTION & BECOMING WHO YOU ARE AS A BAND March 28th, 2008 at 3:51pm MetalSucks [ Dallas just recorded a podcast for Issue Oriented along […]
Editorials 3700 SEBASTIAN BACH HONORED BY CARRIE UNDERWOOD’S SKID ROW COVER July 23rd, 2007 at 1:26pm Vince Neilstein Former Skid Row frontman Sebastian Bach has issued the following […]
Cinemetal 1 VIDEO OF THE DAY: UGLY KID JOE, “CAT’S IN THE CRADLE” May 31st, 2007 at 10:20am Vince Neilstein When this song came out, I bought the single on […]