Reviews 0 Rorcal’s Zombie PCP Rage In A Blizzard, Világvége April 2nd, 2013 at 3:00pm MetalSucks On their third album, Rorcal remembers the “metal,” not just the “post-“.
Unsigned and Unholy 0 Monotheist: Featuring JJ “Shiv” Polachek from 7 Horns 7 Eyes April 2nd, 2013 at 2:30pm Vince Neilstein Stream this jam right now if you know what’s good for you!
What the...?? 0 The New Adema EP Has the Best Album Art in the History of Ever Ever Ever April 2nd, 2013 at 2:00pm Axl Rosenberg In the words of Vince Neilstein, “WUT”
Megadick 0 So I Guess This Crazy Russian Dude Really Loves Dave Mustaine April 2nd, 2013 at 1:30pm Axl Rosenberg That is an actual translation in that image, by the way.
New Stuff 0 Shining Week Continues: “My Dying Drive,” Another New Song! April 2nd, 2013 at 1:00pm Vince Neilstein The third new song we’re hearing from new album One One One rocks just as hard as the prior two.
Tour de Force 0 Mötley Crüe Announce Second Vegas Residency April 2nd, 2013 at 12:30pm Axl Rosenberg They’ll perform twelve shows at The Joint starting in September.
Cinemetal 0 Housecore Horror Film & Music Festival Adds Eyehategod, Warbeast, Mayhem’s Attila Csihar, and a Bunch of Awesome Screenings April 2nd, 2013 at 12:00pm Axl Rosenberg And holy crap, the film portion of the fest is already beyond-impressive.
Cinemetal 0 Jungle Rot’s New Video for “Terror Regime” Gets the Runner Home April 2nd, 2013 at 11:30am Vince Neilstein Sometimes all you need is a sac fly.
Metal in the Media 0 Every Time I Die’s Andy Williams Loves Dr. Pepper April 2nd, 2013 at 11:00am Axl Rosenberg Hey, it’s no Miracle Whip ad with Don Dokken, but then what is, y’know?
Metal in the Media 0 Past and Present Members of Guns N’ Roses, Dokken, ‘N Sync and The Village People Team Up to Endorse Miracle Whip April 2nd, 2013 at 10:30am Axl Rosenberg “Famous mouths are opening up to Miracle Whip” they say, apparently unaware of the comedic sensibilities of boys and man-boys everywhere.
Shit That Comes Out Today 0 Sh*t That Comes Out Today: April 2, 2013 April 2nd, 2013 at 10:00am MetalSucks MetalSucks’ weekly round-up of heavy new albums titled “Sky Burial”
The Top 25 Modern Metal Frontmen 0 #6: Julie Christmas April 1st, 2013 at 5:00pm Axl Rosenberg Few artists are this raw, authentic, and exposed.
Contests 0 Axel Rudi Pell Air Guitar Contest — Deadline Extended!!! April 1st, 2013 at 4:30pm MetalSucks You now have another week to enter!!!
Reviews 0 Device’s Device: The MetalSucks Device Review April 1st, 2013 at 4:00pm Axl Rosenberg We give the new project from David Draiman its due consideration.
Upcoming Bullsh*t 0 The Human Abstract Hint at Release of New Album THIS SUMMER April 1st, 2013 at 3:30pm Axl Rosenberg THIS HAD BETTER NOT BE AN APRIL FOOL’S JOKE MOTHERFUCKERS.
New Stuff 0 The Dillinger Escape Plan Preview The Killer April 1st, 2013 at 3:00pm Axl Rosenberg Listen to the entire album, condensed into six-and-half minutes.
New Stuff 0 Filter Rips-Off Filter April 1st, 2013 at 2:30pm Axl Rosenberg Band’s new song, “What Do You Say,” sounds awfully familiar.
Upcoming Bullsh*t 0 Ghost Forced to Delay Release ofInfestissumam Due to Sacrilegious Illustration April 1st, 2013 at 2:00pm Axl Rosenberg This isn’t an April Fool’s joke, but I also can’t tell if it’s real, or just a publicity stunt.
Cinemetal 0 Sheesh, Even David Draiman’s Brother Sucks April 1st, 2013 at 1:30pm Axl Rosenberg The bad news is, Ben Draiman may be even worse than David Draiman, and the good news is, David Draiman is not in this video.
Everyone's Replaceable 0 Ex-Fear Factory Bassist/Guitarist Christian Olde Wolbers Auditions for Machine Head April 1st, 2013 at 1:00pm Vince Neilstein Watch his audition video.
0 - Type O Negative’s Peter Steele Once Punched Chino Moreno In The Face for Inciting an Onstage Riot