Biggest Putz in Metal Reader Bracket 0 Rounds 40 & 41: Chris Holmes vs. Danny Worsnop, Blake Judd vs. Wes Scantlin September 2nd, 2015 at 3:00pm MetalSucks Putz your hands in the air, and wave ’em like you just don’t care.
Studio Stuff 0 Anthrax Issue Friendly Reminder That Their New Album Still Isn’t Out Yet September 2nd, 2015 at 2:30pm Axl Rosenberg But they also offer a good explanation as to WHY it’s not out yet.
New Stuff 0 40 Below Summer Still Exist, Have a “Mangina” September 2nd, 2015 at 2:00pm Axl Rosenberg It cannot possibly be mere coincidence that the initials “BS” appear in this band’s moniker, can it?
This Sucks 0 Bruce Dickinson Got Tongue Cancer from Being a Cunning Linguist September 2nd, 2015 at 1:30pm Axl Rosenberg Don’t laugh, it’s not funny.
Music Premieres 0 Exclusive Track Premiere: Temple of Void, “Exanimate Gaze” September 2nd, 2015 at 1:00pm Vince Neilstein Are you ready for some aching, nasty death-doom?
Music Dorkery 0 Here are Eight Metal Covers of Toto’s “Africa” September 2nd, 2015 at 12:30pm Vince Neilstein You knew you always needed this.
Viral Vomit 0 Video: Jared Dines Demonstrates the Effect Various Drugs Have on Drumming September 2nd, 2015 at 12:00pm Axl Rosenberg Of all of Dines’ videos to date, this one may be closest to my heart.
This Sucks 0 More Footage of Lemmy Stopping Last Night’s Show in Austin Mid-Song September 2nd, 2015 at 11:30am Vince Neilstein This is incredibly depressing and humbling. Get well soon, Lemmy!
Cinemetal 0 The Deth Knight Returns September 2nd, 2015 at 11:00am Axl Rosenberg This Batman/Dethklok mash-up is even better than last year’s!
New Stuff 0 Burn Down a Shrine with Saviours’ Ripping, Rollicking New Song September 2nd, 2015 at 10:30am Vince Neilstein The occult / NWOBHM-inspired goodness we’ve come to expect from this band.
This Sucks 0 Lemmy’s Health Issues Stop Motörhead Show in Austin After Just Three Songs September 2nd, 2015 at 10:00am Vince Neilstein This marks the third time on Motörhead’s current tour that a show has been cut short or canceled.
Completely Unreadable Band Logo of the Week 0 Completely Unreadable Band Logo of the Week: Win Three CDs from the MetalSucks Mansion Archives! September 1st, 2015 at 5:00pm Axl Rosenberg It’s time for Wheel… of… WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT SAY?!?!
Viral Vomit 0 Listen: Every Periphery Song Played at Once September 1st, 2015 at 4:30pm Axl Rosenberg Sounds like… Portal?
Punishing Pictorials 0 Metal Goes to the Movies: Fall 2015 Edition September 1st, 2015 at 4:00pm MetalSucks Cinema becomes sinema.
New Stuff 0 Marty Friedman Just Released a New Song with TesseracT’s Daniel Tompkins and Danko Jones September 1st, 2015 at 3:30pm Vince Neilstein And his first North American tour in over a decade kicks off next week!
Biggest Putz in Metal Reader Bracket 0 Rounds 38 & 39: Mattie Montgomery vs. Giorgos Germenis, Bret Michaels vs. Axel Rudi Pell September 1st, 2015 at 3:00pm MetalSucks ‘Cause being a putz is the pits.
Hipsters Out Of Metal! 0 “Par” For The Course: Stream VI’s Second New Song #Aosoth #Merrimack September 1st, 2015 at 2:30pm Anso DF How many geniuses they hiding in the band Aosoth?
Cinemetal 0 Sock Puppet Pantera Do the ’90s Video Parody Surprisingly Well September 1st, 2015 at 2:00pm Emperor Rhombus The new parody video showcases — wait, is that actually Vinnie Paul?
Tour de Force 0 The Acacia Strain, Fit For An Autopsy Announce Tour With Some Other Bands September 1st, 2015 at 1:30pm Vince Neilstein Tune low, die slow.
Music Premieres 0 Exclusive Album Stream: Pig Destroyer’s Prowler in the Yard Deluxe Reissue September 1st, 2015 at 1:00pm Axl Rosenberg Remixed. Remastered. Remarkable.
270 - Exclusive Band Meeting Transcript: Morbid Angel Decide to Release Illud Divinum Insanus Remix Album