Tour de Force 470 AVENGED SEVENFOLD TOUR: TO ATTEND OR NOT TO ATTEND February 18th, 2011 at 2:00pm Axl Rosenberg I had a math tutor in high school who was, […]
New Stuff 60 WANNA HEAR A NEW MEEK IS MURDER SONG? February 18th, 2011 at 1:00pm Axl Rosenberg We haven’t bugged you about Meek is Murder’s new album, […]
Tour de Force 60 TOMMY ROGERS AND STEPHEN BRODSKY ON ONE TOUR? YES, PLEASE. February 18th, 2011 at 12:00pm Axl Rosenberg I kind of assumed that Tommy Rogers (a.k.a. “Thomas Giles”) […]
Rampant Rumors 1150 EXCLUSIVE: SYSTEM OF A DOWN U.S. TOUR DATES! February 17th, 2011 at 4:33pm Vince Neilstein A highly reliable anonymous tipster has informed MetalSucks that System […]
Tour de Force 50 HULL, BATILLUS, YOUR BODY AND YOU February 17th, 2011 at 3:00pm Axl Rosenberg Not as painful as missing this tour. Speaking of NYC […]
Rampant Rumors 230 THE OCEAN TO TOUR NORTH AMERICA WITH BTBAM AND JOB FOR A COWBOY? February 17th, 2011 at 11:00am Vince Neilstein It’s been a long three years since The Ocean toured […]
Tour de Force 50 GOES CUBE GOES TOURING February 16th, 2011 at 3:00pm Axl Rosenberg The new Goes Cube album, In Tides and Drifts, is […]
Tour de Force 180 NINE MORE NORTH AMERICAN RAMMSTEIN DATES, NINE MORE CHANCES TO SEE A DUDE GET SET ON FIRE February 16th, 2011 at 10:30am Axl Rosenberg You may recall that back in December I saw Rammstein […]
Tour de Force 470 AMON AMARTH TO RAPE AND PILLAGE THE U.S. WITH TWO SETS NIGHTLY February 11th, 2011 at 10:30am Vince Neilstein “Evening With” tours are those rarest of gems done by […]
Cinemetal 130 SXSW ’11 CINEMETAL: PENTAGRAM, FOO FIGHTERS, & MUTUAL SEX CHANGES February 10th, 2011 at 11:30am Corey Mitchell In addition to the stellar heavy metal line-up featured at […]
Tour de Force 70 THE GREAT SABATOURNI February 9th, 2011 at 1:30pm Axl Rosenberg Remember Greber, the guitarless grind project that features Fuck the […]
Tour de Force 450 FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, SXSW WILL BE A METAL FAN’S WET DREAM February 9th, 2011 at 11:00am Corey Mitchell I have been to practically every South by Southwest Music […]
New Stuff 80 WORMROT ERASE EXISTENCE, YOUR STUPID FACE February 7th, 2011 at 11:30am Axl Rosenberg Wormrot have released another song (here’s the first) from their […]
Tour de Force 250 TIMES OF GRACE NOT PLAYING KILLSWITCH ENGAGE MATERIAL ON TOUR February 4th, 2011 at 11:00am Axl Rosenberg …the fuck? So the Times of Grace tour is now […]
Tour de Force 150 AARDVARK BABY-IMPALING TOUR ALERT: THE RED CHORD, GAZA, AND TRAP THEM February 3rd, 2011 at 12:30pm Axl Rosenberg Well oh-KAY! Here’s a tour I can get behind. According […]
Tour de Force 90 AN AWESOME 2011 TOUR WE’VE YET TO COMMENT ON: ATHEIST + ALOL + REVOCATION + LAST CHANCE TO REASON February 3rd, 2011 at 12:08am Vince Neilstein “We aim to please, so please aim.” So read the […]
Cinemetal 180 BOOTLEG FOOTAGE OF TIMES OF GRACE’S LIVE DEBUT February 3rd, 2011 at 12:05am Axl Rosenberg So Times of Grace, which is basically a reunion of […]
Completely Unreadable Band Logo of the Week 0 COMPLETELY UNREADABLE BAND LOGO OF THE WEEK: WIN BOTTLE OF METALLIANCE HOT SAUCE FROM (DUH) THE METALLIANCE TOUR February 2nd, 2011 at 5:00pm Axl Rosenberg Hats off to reader Michael Teague, who correctly identified last week’s […]
Reunion Mania 130 MAKE UP YOUR MIND, A PERFECT CIRCLE February 2nd, 2011 at 12:00pm Axl Rosenberg I didn’t think A Perfect Circle could get more irritating […]
Tour de Force 110 LINE-UP FOR NEW ENGLAND METAL & HARDCORE FESTIVAL ANNOUNCED February 2nd, 2011 at 10:30am Axl Rosenberg Well, the line-up for this year’s New England Metal & […]