Choke Pear 0 Choke Pear: Dumb Things I Thought as a Kid February 24th, 2018 at 1:54pm MetalSucks Choke Pear shares some silly beliefs she had as a child and waxes ecstatic about a Type O Negative box set.
Choke Pear 0 Choke Pear: Don’t Be a Pussy-Ass Bitch, Live Dangerously! February 17th, 2018 at 2:00pm MetalSucks Choke Pear encourages us to live dangerously and on the edge with some suggestions for how to do so in every day life, and as usual recommends a black metal selection for your listening pleasure.
Choke Pear 0 Choke Pear: A Story From My Slut Days February 10th, 2018 at 2:20pm MetalSucks Choke Pear recounts a story from her self-proclaimed slut days in which she attended a crazy hipster warehouse party and…
Choke Pear 0 Choke Pear: Life Hacks February 4th, 2018 at 9:51am MetalSucks This week, your host offers up some helpful tips to make your life that much easier. Please like and subscribe so Choke Pear can afford tattoos some day.
Choke Pear 0 Choke Pear: How Do You Sleep at Night? January 27th, 2018 at 11:26am MetalSucks Why is sleeping so fucking hard? How do YOU do it? Were you scared of sleep as a child? What do you think of Sleep the band?
Choke Pear 0 Choke Pear: Drugs in the Spaghetti Sauce January 20th, 2018 at 2:28pm MetalSucks New MS video contributor Choke Pear tells a funny story about the time her stepdad accidentally got the whole family high at dinner.