Editorials 0 HATE ETERNAL RELEASE NEW ALBUM COVER ART IN SIZE TOO SMALL FOR ANYONE TO GIVE A POOP January 9th, 2008 at 10:34am Axl Rosenberg I understand that with the physical CDs, records, whatever quickly […]
Editorials 40 I DIDN’T THINK I COULD BE ANY MORE EXCITED ABOUT GOING TO SEE NEUROSIS AT THE MASONIC TEMPLE IN BROOKLYN… January 9th, 2008 at 9:00am Axl Rosenberg …until the very very very fine Crustcake broke the official […]
Editorials 50 IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE ANY BAND SOUND LIKE NU METAL? January 8th, 2008 at 12:07pm Axl Rosenberg Normally Pelican is one of the last bands I’d ever […]
20 TAKE A LEAK: BYZANTINE, OBLIVION BECKONS January 8th, 2008 at 10:26am Axl Rosenberg Byzantine are a band I think I should like more […]
Editorials 50 YES, THEY’RE ACTUALLY GOING TO CALL THE BAND “CAVALERA CONSPIRACY.” YES, THEY’RE ACTUALLY GOING TO CALL THE ALBUM INFLIKTED. January 7th, 2008 at 3:18pm Axl Rosenberg I suppose I have no real reason to feel so […]
Cinemetal 150 NECRO TO MTV NORWAY: “PLEASE TAKE ME SERIOUSLY. I HAVE CRED, I SWEAR.” January 7th, 2008 at 2:20pm Axl Rosenberg Remember that scene in Forest Gump when the school principal […]
Editorials 170 (HED) P.E. ANNOUNCE “HEAVY HITTERS TOUR.” NO, YOU DON’T GET TO HIT THEM. January 7th, 2008 at 10:23am Axl Rosenberg I was confused about about the name of this tour […]
Editorials 620 IN FLAMES HAVE A SENSE OF PURPOSE January 7th, 2008 at 8:57am Axl Rosenberg That’s the title of their new album, at least, continuing […]
Editorials 0 ELUVEITIE UNLEASH NEW TRACK January 4th, 2008 at 4:23pm Axl Rosenberg As the sure-to-be-awesome Pagangest America tour grows ever closer, one […]
Reviews 100 PHIL ANSELMO’S ARSON ANTHEM WILL BURN YOUR SH*T DOWN January 4th, 2008 at 2:07pm Axl Rosenberg Phil Anselmo isn’t even the vocalist for his latest project […]
Cinemetal 40 PATTON OSWALT WONDERS: “WHATEVER HAPPENED TO 80s METAL?” January 4th, 2008 at 11:17am Axl Rosenberg [kml_flashembed movie=”http://youtube.com/v/ewY3hlRV2Ew” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]
Editorials 150 SINGER NO ONE GIVES A SH*T ABOUT SIGNS WITH LABEL NO ONE HAS EVER HEARD OF January 4th, 2008 at 9:39am Axl Rosenberg Former Adler’s Appetite lead vocalist Sheldon Tarsha has inked a […]
Cinemetal 160 HEADBANGER’S BALL KINDLY DISAGREES WITH VINCE NEILSTEIN’S CHOICE FOR “BEST VIDEO OF 2007” January 3rd, 2008 at 4:51pm Axl Rosenberg Instead, viewers of the show selected Mushroomhead’s clip for “1200,” […]
Editorials 0 GENGHIS TRON ARE HUGE JOHN WINTHROP FANS January 2nd, 2008 at 2:09pm Axl Rosenberg Electrogrind masters Genghis Tron gave their fans a holiday gift […]
Cinemetal 30 BLOODBATH’S “EATEN” IS THE BEST SONG EVER WRITTEN ABOUT BEING EATEN January 2nd, 2008 at 1:11pm Axl Rosenberg How much more metal can you get than writing a […]
Editorials 100 GIGANTOUR BECOMES MEDIUMSIZETOUR January 2nd, 2008 at 8:39am Axl Rosenberg I’ve been away and kind of out of the loop, […]
Saturday Song to Get Stoned To 50 SATURDAY SONG TO GET STONED TO: LED ZEPPELIN – “ACHILLES LAST STAND” December 22nd, 2007 at 3:41pm Kip Wingerschmidt In addition to my initial 8th grade awe, this song […]
Editorials 80 KIP WINGERSCHMIDT’S SEVEN FAVORITE METAL SHOWS OF ’07 December 21st, 2007 at 4:37pm Kip Wingerschmidt Another year of awesome shows — some old heros, some […]
Editorials 1,1570 AXL ROSENBERG’S 10 FAVORITE SHOWS OF 2007 December 21st, 2007 at 12:35pm Axl Rosenberg In the ongoing tradition of silly year-end lists, here are […]
Editorials 7880 DOWNLOAD A LIVE RECORDING OF METALLICA BACK WHEN THEY WERE STILL COOL December 20th, 2007 at 4:52pm Axl Rosenberg As you’re probably aware, after Metallica shut down Napster, they […]