Hatebreed Frontman Jamey Jasta Calls Tool’s Fear Inoculum “Spa Music”
I don’t always like to report on one artist hating on another like that’s news or something. But when it’s as funny as this comment, we had to report on it. Apparently Hatebreed frontman Jamey Jasta really hates Tool’s music.
In a recent interview with This Day in Metal (that was transcribed by Blabbermouth) Jasta was asked what he attributed his success to, and, in the midst of giving some really good advice about blocking out the haters, Jasta threw some shade at Tool:
“Whatever it is, if it’s writing a book, if it’s making a film, if it’s making a record or writing a poem or fucking making a recipe — I don’t care what it is — you’ve gotta block out the people that maybe don’t believe in you to do it and you’ve gotta find the ones that do and you’ve gotta keep them close and you’ve gotta make sure that you do right by them and that they appreciate what you do and vice versa. And then also, I think it’s gotta be authentic, it’s gotta be from the heart, ’cause the stuff that really resonate to people 10, 20, 30 years in is stuff that I knew in the moment was ‘it’. You just know when you know. And sometimes you can bring that idea to someone else and they go, ‘Nah’, and they write your shit off. Or you can put your blood, sweat and tears into a record and some reviewer will listen to it once and go, ‘No, this sucks,’ just like I did with the last TOOL record that sounded like spa music. And that’s gonna happen. But you’ve gotta roll with the punches and you’ve just gotta have faith that it will find the ears and the eyes that it needs to find.”
Jasta’s got a good point about blocking out the haters, and it’s advice that I should listen to more often. As for Tool’s last record, Fear Inoculum sounding like spa music? Well, that would have to be a pretty intense spa, but I get what he’s saying.