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You Can Color in Rob Zombie and Even Play Dress Up With Him With His Official Coloring Book


Haven’t you ever wanted your own coloring book where you could color in Rob Zombie as he digs through the ditches and burns through the witches? Probably not, and if you did that’s one hell of a coincidence, because now it’s here.

The new coloring book is out from Neck Bolt Publishing and features illustrations from Pete Bregman that you can ruin by coloring outside the lines. Writing on their official Instagram account, Neck Bolt Publishing wrote:

“Available now on Amazon and at link in bio! Neck Bolt Publishing is thrilled to present the Official Rob Zombie Coloring Book! Loaded with 30+ coloring pages, cut-out crafts, masks, paper dolls, and other spooky swag, it’s the perfect activity for any [Rob Zombie] fan! Illustrated by [Pete Bregman] with cover art by [Suspiria Vilchez].”

It would seem that this coloring book is the first venture from Neck Bolt Publishing, considering that their Instagram account, despite being two years old, only has a handful of posts and all of them are about this Rob Zombie coloring book. Still, they demonstrated a number of cool features of the book, including the cut out craft where you can make Zombie’s coffin hot-rod Dragula from the “Dragula” video, that was inspired by the one from The Munsters, into a piece of 3-D art. There’s also the Rob Zombie paper dol that you can dress up in a series of different outfits ranging from a futuristic-looking sci-fi alien suit to putting Rob Zombie in Rob Zombie t-shirts. Although, I always thought artists wearing their own t-shirts is a bit gauche, no?

The coloring book is available now from the Neck Bolt Publishing website.

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