
Shell Shock II Promoters Cry Cancel Culture As Bands Leave After Booking Murderous Sh*tbag Kyle Rittenhouse


It’s a tale that’s become far too predictable these days. Edgelord person or group with money puts on an event and books a highly provocative/controversial shitbag amidst other artists and guests. People find out that person’s on the bill and drop off en masse. Organizer then gets angry, cries, throws a tantrum online as people with agency decide to stand by their principles instead of blindly cash a paycheck.

All of that is apparently what’s going on with the Shell Shock II Fest that’s supposed to take place in Orlando, Florida on October 19 at Level 13 Entertainment Center. We previously reported that Evergreen Terrace had dropped off after learning that alt-right grifter and murderer Kyle Rittenhouse was going to be there as a special VIP guest, but it seems like the list of bands dropping off got bigger. So far, other hardcore outfits that have left the fest include Southpaw, Let Me Bleed, and American Hollow.

Each band posted a lengthy statement as to why they were walking away from the festival, with each basically saying they were discouraged since they wanted to support veterans battling PTSD, but got bait-and-switched as the show became heavily politicized. Their statements will be posted below for posterity’s sake.

In response, the folks behind The Antihero Podcast who’d been promoting the show took to Instagram to comment on a Metal Injection post to express their frustration over the situation in a totally reasonable way.

Just kidding, they blamed the “liberal mob” that was attempting to “destroy Shell Shock.” Because everything is a plot from the left, a subsection of the American political spectrum historically known for getting their shit together to do anything as a cohesive unit. (That’s sarcasm, by the way…)

“We have been silent. But we are prepping. The liberal mob attempted to destroy Shell Shock. But we will not allow it. This is now about more than a concert. This is a war of ideology.”

Honestly, it seems to me like the only “war of ideology” is the one that involves bands not wanting to align oneself with a kid that traveled a great distance just so he could shoot people as they protested police violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Even if they didn’t care about the Rittenhouse thing, these bands sound like they just didn’t want to be associated with any political ideology, which is their right as Americans enjoying their First Amendment rights.

We’re sure this will result in The Antihero Podcast, which has gotten way into the weeds of conspiracy theories and peddling alt-right garbage, totally not going off the deep end. They totally won’t do things like blame Antifa or George Soros or the lizard people living underground controlling the Deep State. It will totally be measured.

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