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Ministry’s Re-Releasing Deluxe Editions of Twitch and The Land of Rape and Honey Next Week


Got some money burnin’ a hole in your pocket and want something cool in exchange for said cash? Are you an Al Jourgensen fan that just can’t get enough of Ministry‘s back catalogue? Then you’re gonna want to keep your eyes peeled because both Twitch and The Land of Rape and Honey are getting special vinyl re-releases on Friday, October 4.

Featuring tracks like “Stigmata” and “Over The Shoulder”, the two reissues will be released as part of Rhino’s yearly “Rocktober” campaign. For the uninitiated, that campaign seeks to highlight releases from integral Warner Music artists by selling deluxe vinyl re-releases through local record stores.

In addition to the original albums, both releases will feature remixes and extended cuts, with Twitch offering “different version of “All Day Remix” and “Over The Shoulder (12” Version).”

This year’s been a pretty busy one for Ministry, having just finished not too long ago their run on the Freaks On Parade Tour with Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie. Not only that, but they also released their 16th full-length studio album HOPIUMFORTHEMASSES back in March, so they’ve been busy promoting the shit out of that as well.

As for their live plans, they’ve only got one more show this year and that’s going to be on October 10 at Aftershock Festival. So if you want to catch Al and the guys, you’re gonna head out to California for that show.

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