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Shavo Odadjian’s “Door is Always Open” to New System of a Down Music


When it comes to System of a Down, the conversation lately usually revolves around differences between members and how vocalist Serj Tankian seemingly really wants to quit the band but is comfortable making tons of money through just a few live dates a year. No extensive touring and writing new music seems to be completely out of the question.

But know who’s totally down to revitalize the band and get new music done? Bassist Shavo Odadjian. Though he’s been keeping himself busy with his solo effort Seven Hours After Violet, that’s not going to stop interviewers from asking him about new SOAD, which is what happened during a recent interview on Loudwire Nights. In their conversation, Odadjian said he’s always down to get to work.

“Listen, bro, my door is always open with that. I have a hundred riffs waiting, if they need anything for me.”

With the 20th anniversary for both Hypnotize and Mezmerize set to take place next year, there’s sure to be even more talk about the band potentially reuniting for realsies. Speaking of his bandmates, Odadjian had nothing but praise for guitarist Daron Malakian and his songwriting capabilities, stating that he admired his work ethic and process, though he opined that’s where the rift started between the guitarist and Tankian.

And all of that isn’t to forget the deep political divides that exist between some of the members and drummer John Dolmayan. Though you’d think those issues would serve as a wedge, Odadjian said the four dudes have been close throughout everything. There’s nothing to suggest they hate each other, or anything.

“The way it would work was Daron would come in and he’d have complete songs, which I fucking respect, man. The dude’s a fucking sick-ass songwriter. And then Serj would have songs he’d bring in complete. It would just be Serj’s were a little different than what the mold of System became. So we would use some of it, but not all of it. And I feel like that’s where the disconnect happened.

“It wasn’t like someone fucking cursed anybody. It wasn’t like someone banged anyone’s girl or cussed out… Nothing happened that you can’t be cool with. We’re still cool with each other. We walk on stage. We love each other. So there’s always gonna be that. I wanna always play shows with them. And you never know, bro. I’m always gonna leave that door open. It shouldn’t be shut.”

Ultimately, Odadjian called it a “fucking shame” that more System of a Down music hasn’t been made. Especially given the fact that the band managed to release two tracks not too long ago.

“It’s a fucking shame that is not happening because we can do so much. Look, we went in, we did two songs four years ago. How they sound, man. I mean, that could be an album of that shit. And we can even write crazier songs. That was quick. Daron brought a few of those in — boom, boom, boom — and the song was done; it was, like, two days. Imagine if it was going in and writing actual music and caring about the album. ‘Cause we compose albums. We’re not, like, songwriters. We’re songwriters that make albums. It’s all about the composition of the album.”

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