Enlarge L to R: Scotti Hill and Sebastian Bach; Photos via Instagram, Scotti Hill photo by Nadine Joy

Scotti Hill Warns a Skid Row Reunion With Sebastian Bach Would End Like Jane’s Addiction


The implosion of alt-metal legends Jane’s Addiction has been all over news and social media, and it’s suddenly become a cautionary tale for reunions that just should not happen. Skid Row guitarist Scotti Hill recently pointed out that the implosion of Jane’s Addiction is a sneak preview of what a Skid Row reunion with their most well-known singer, Sebastian Bach.

In a recent interview with Hear 2 Zen which was reported on by Loudwire, Hill repeated his long-held assertion that Skid Row will never reunite with Bach, and the recent incident with Jane’s Addiction became a new way for Hill to illustrate how bad of an idea a Bach reunion really is:

“I understand why people want that, but it wouldn’t be how they remembered it – it wouldn’t be what they expected. They would be disappointed; we would be unhappy.”

Hill continued:

“We just saw what happens when you try to do something like that… talking about Jane’s Addiction. And it’s terrible what happened to those guys – I feel terrible for them. But some reunions maybe shouldn’t happen.”

Hill also added that, when a tour collapses like Jane’s Addiction’s recent tour did, that’s a lot of people who are left in the lurch:

“Their whole crew… boom, just like that, ‘Okay, you’re out of work.’ That’s affecting a good amount of people and affecting their families. It affects [all] the people that put tours together.

“The average fan doesn’t understand how many parts there are to make this thing happen. It sucks what happened with that whole thing – but I hope everybody comes through it healthy and back on their feet.”

Hill makes a great point, and it has to be odd to be a member of Skid Row and seeing your own fan base rooting for you to, essentially, get back together with your toxic ex. Telling bands they have to get back together with a member they don’t like is kind of messed up when you think about it. And the Jane’s Addiction scuffle goes to show what can happen when people give into that pressure and continue playing with people who are an unhealthy influence in their lives.

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