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Kid Rock Says He’s a Trump Supporter Because He Already “Had the Money in the Bank”


Kid Rock’s transformation from Devil Without a Cause to Dipshit With a Stupid Cause would almost be funny to watch if it weren’t for the fact that it’s symptomatic of the downfall of Western Civilization.

Back in May, Rolling Stone tried to interview the artist, who’s real name is Bob Ritchie, to understand his bizarre transformation from apolitical rapper into a MAGA supporting country rocker, and it devolved into a drunk Kid Rock trying to fight the interviewer. Why a formerly apolitical “artist” would suddenly become an outspoken conservative remains one of the great mysteries of modern civilization like the disappearance of Amelia Earheart or how the pyramids were created. Except, I chose Earheart and the pyramids as examples because they’re two famous “unsolved” mysteries that have actually been solved, and their explanations were quite obvious. Similarly, the reason behind Kid Rock’s transformation is pretty obvious as well: money.

In a recent interview with Kid Rock’s fellow dipshit-in-arms Tucker Carlson (that was transcribed by Blabbermouth) on Carlson’s YouTube channel, where he now hosts his show after being fired by Fox News, Kid Rock gave up one of the major secrets of why he suddenly pivoted to being a vocal Trump supporter, namely that he was already rich:

“I mean, part of it was I got older and wiser, but to be honest, I had the money in the bank. And at the end of the day, when I really thought about it — it sounds hokey, but I just care about this country too much. And it wasn’t really a conscious thing; I just started kind of doing it, getting involved. And one thing led to another. I had a couple talks with just friends.”

Later on in the interview, Carlson suggested that the decision to start supporting Trump vocally might have been even harder than Rock was admitting, and homeboy just doubled down on his earlier explanation:

“Like I said, I had the money in the bank, so it was… A lot of people don’t wanna mess with their bottom line. A lot of people — anybody, this goes for anybody — they’re scared of their social standing. God forbid mom drops off the kids at school with a MAGA hat on, you know what I mean? All of a sudden, you’re this polarizing, divisive person because you said, ‘I wanna make America great again’? I was, like, ‘How dare you?’ [Laughs] People are scared. I’ve been a lot of things. One thing I’ve never been is scared, that’s for sure.”

However, rebranding himself as a conservative wasn’t as big of a risk as he makes it out to be. It’s not like Trump doesn’t have a massive fanbase, and it’s not like there aren’t tons of conservative lemmings willing to follow some dumbass off a cliff. Already having money meant he was able to experiment with niche marketing to a conservative audience, but it was always a bit of a safe experiment. After all, the right are always struggling to find conservative musicians who support them, as evidenced by the difficulties Trump has had with finding songs for campaign rallies from artists that don’t despise him. Kid Rock stumbled drunkenly into a niche that wasn’t being filled and stuck his big dumb dick in it. Thus, the mystery of Kid Rock’s transformation is solved: it’s all about money.

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