
Watch Ripped to Shreds’ Michael Chavez and Andrew Lee Tear Through “Horrendous Corpse Resurrection”


Less than two weeks stand in the way between the world we know today and the one with Ripped to Shreds‘ forthcoming album Sanshi out in the wild. Since its announcement, we’ve seen and heard some absolutely brutal death metal from the Andrew Lee project.

Today is no different, as instead of some hyper-stylized music video or a simple single release, we’ve got first access to a guitar playthrough video featuring Michael Chavez and Andrew Lee ripping and tearing through the track “Horrendous Corpse Resurrection.” As someone that couldn’t play the guitar at nearly the speeds or level of precision as these two can, the video is insanely impressive. Maybe if you’re the next coming of Yngwie Malmsteen it’s not impressive, but it is to me.

Speaking of the video, Lee said the song and accompanying guitar playthrough video was to highlight that you could stuff a death metal song full of solos and it could still be punishing.

“More solos!! There aren’t enough real shredding solos in putrid grinding death metal, and this track is us throwing down the gauntlet and challenging all other guitarists to step their game up. No tech death bullshit, just pure riffs blasts and shred!”

Naturally, “Horrendous Corpse Resurrection” is another song off the band’s forthcoming album Sanshi. According to the band, the whole album pulls from a “morbid fixation on death and the afterlife in the context of traditional Chinese folklore.” 

Sanshi will be released on September 27, but you can preorder your copy today.

Sanshi Track List:

  1. Into the Court of Yanluowang
  2. Force Fed
  3. 燒冥紙 (Sacrificial Fire)
  4. 孽鏡臺 (Visions of Sin, Mirror of Darkness)
  5. Feast of the Deceased
  6. Horrendous Corpse Resurrection
  7. Living in Effigy
  8. 冥婚 (Corpse Betrothal)
  9. Cultivating Towards Ascension
  10. Perverting the Funeral Rites, Stripping for the Dead
Ripped to Shreds Streaming New Single “Perverting…”, Announce New Album Sanshi
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