
WHORES. Drummer Douglas Jennings Barrett Diagnosed with Lymphoma


If cancer was a person, I’d murder it and never feel sorry. Honestly, every time we have to write a story about a great musician being diagnosed with cancer, I get angrier and angrier and think up more violent things I want to attack it with. So it’s with that attitude that I’m sorry to tell you that Douglas Jennings Barrett, drummer for renowned noise-sludge band WHORES. has been diagnosed with lymphoma.

The band posted about it on their social media and promoted a GoFundMe that they’ve created to raise money for Barrett’s medical expenses. Here’s what the band wrote on their Instagram:

“Cancer is such a dirty word.

“Our dear friend, brother from another mother, nicest guy in rock and Whores bandmate, Douglas Jennings Barrett, has been diagnosed with lymphoma. Initially, he noticed pretty severe back pain, and when a professional examined him and he had multiple tests, it turns out he has a cracked vertebrae, which is the result of a tumor on his spine. He’s receiving the best care money can buy, but like most professional creative people, he doesn’t have health insurance and he needs our help. At his doctor’s insistence, we just checked him into the ER at Piedmont Hospital.

“Per Douglas’s wishes, we are planning on continuing with our fall tour as scheduled. We have been furiously searching for a full-in drummer that will do Douglas, the band and the songs proud. It’s not easy.

“With your love and help we are going to get through this. We always have. You cannot kill this band. We will persevere. Count on it. Thank you all for your continued love and support. Without each other we have nothing. Please give what you can.”

Cancer is a dirty word. I want to use worse words to describe it, but frankly, there aren’t a lot of words more vulgar than “cancer.” I’m glad to see that the members of WHORES. agree.

Donate to the GoFundMe here, because getting cancer is expensive in America.

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