
Convicted Pedo Ian Watkins was Stabbed in Prison Over Drugs, Now Pays for Protection


Last year, the world was almost rid of a disgusting piece of garbage when we all learned that former Lostprophets vocalist and convicted pedophile Ian Watkins had been stabbed multiple times in a U.K. prison. We’ve since had to deal with the fact that he didn’t shuffle off this mortal coil, but at least he gets to continue living out the rest of his nearly 30-year prison sentence.

According a new report on the stabbing in The Mirror, Watkins was unexpectedly perforated with a “sharpened toilet brush.” They apparently they used the clean end, because his condition was only ever severe and not life-threatening as we hop…. I mean reported…

The report states that the stabbing also took place not because of the heinous details that surfaced in the wake of his 2013 trial, but rather because he racked up a pretty hefty “£900 drugs debt.” Authors Jonathan Levi and Emma French, who wrote the book Wakefield Prison: Life Behind Bars in the Monster Mansion, described Watkins’ new reality as a convicted pedophile in a prison full of gangsters and killers.

“He is hated by many, but as HMP W is mixed, i.e. VPs and high-level gangsters, drug importers and organised crime, they just take money off him [Watkins] for his safety.

“He has spent thousands on protection. The recent stabbing was a reminder that he needs to pay. He took an amount of spice off a prisoner with a prison value of £150. Because it was Watkins, he was told he owed £900. He was high and refused to pay; therefore, he was stabbed in the side using a sharpened toilet brush.”

The stabbing took place nearly one year ago while serving his nearly 30 year prison sentence. Witness accounts found in reports by The Mirror and The Guardian suggest Watkins was “found by officers after being held hostage and battered on Saturday morning.” According to initial reports, Watkins was taken as a hostage just after 9 a.m. Saturday [August 5, 2023] morning by three other inmates. For roughly six hours, officials say the disgraced rockstar was beaten and stabbed by his captors.

Watkins was initially sentenced to a 35 year prison sentence back in 2013 after he pleaded guilty to 13 counts of child sex offenses, including attempted rape and sexual assault of a child under 13, three counts of sexual assault involving children, six counts of child pornography, and “one of possessing an extreme pornographic image involving a sex act on an animal.” In at least one instance, he “groomed” a fan of his to take pornographic images of her young daughter for his own gratification, but the truly sickening details surrounding his misdeeds are even worse — we’ll spare you the details.

In addition to getting high in prison and becoming a fetid pin cushion, he’s also pretty much remained unrepentant for what he did. In 2019 he was busted for smuggling a cellphone up his ass. And then in 2017, roughly four years after he was convicted, the living waste of human flesh was caught trying to convince a 21-year-old mother to engage in sexual acts with her two-year-old. In that instance, the mother thankfully lost custody of her kid.

To know that this guy is only safe because he has to pay mobsters for protection is kinda comforting. Sounds like he’s got no real friends, no real people interested in watching his back unless he’s got money. Should serve as a warning to any pedophilic scumbag out there, really.

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