Enlarge Photo by Christina Dao Francisco via Instagram

Van Full of Gear Stolen From California Bands Máu and Wander


There’s a reason that Robin Hood always stole from the rich and gave to the poor: nobody cares if you rob rich people. But if you rob from the poor, the working class, or anyone just putting their heart and soul into making a living at what they love, then there’s an entire circle of hell reserved for you.

Well, someone is headed to that special circle of hell after having stolen a van full of equipment from California screamo band Máu and fellow California post-punk band Wander. The two bands were getting ready to play the Your Renaissance Festival in Los Angeles when Wander’s van was stolen out of Máu’s garage, and the van had a good amount of gear in it. Máu was able to borrow equipment from other bands to still play the festival, but they’re still on the lookout for the van in hopes of getting back their prized possessions that they’ve build up over the years.

Here’s what they had to say on Instagram:

“While we were prepping to tour to LA for @yr.renaissance fest, we were devastated to find that the @wander_band van was stolen out of our home garage in Oakland along with all of our music gear in it.

“We had built up our gear over many years, some of which we had since we first started playing music over a decade ago. While some things can eventually be replaced, the sentimental value cannot.

“Please help us keep an eye out for any of the missing items and please boost this post!

“We really appreciate all the support we’ve received in terms of everyone spreading the word, keeping an eye out, and letting us borrow their gear and instruments so that we were still able to play our set on Friday!”

Here’s hoping someone finds the van!

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