
XclocktowerX Go Viral Again for Messy Show


Back in March, XclocktowerX made headlines at their debut show for how crazy it looked. Well, they’re back at it again, this time at a show this past weekend. From the footage that’s making the rounds online, it looks like it was another wild time.

The show in question was the Ephya Showcase at The Beeracks in East Haven, Connecticut, a two-day show headlined by Balmora and xNomadx, but they stole the show with their antics.

This time, as you can see from the footage below, fans were getting extra messy. Forget crowd killing or old-fashioned push moshing; they were throwing water bottles, chairs, trash cans, fighting with lightsabers, you name it.

The band played on the second day of the festival, and apparently, there’s even a happy and uplifting ending to all this chaos. Those who participated in the destruction cleaned up, even going so far as to mopping the floors. We’ve heard of picking people up when they all down in the pit, but cleaning up after the pit is a new one, and just goes to show how respectful hardcore and metal fans can be after the last riff has been played.  

Back in January, XclocktowerX released their debut three-song EP, Greatest Hits: Vol 2, which is out now via Ephyr. But they’ve gotten even more famous for their online antics

At the same fest, New Haven’s IN 2 AGAIN made it onto the internet for their cover of Linkin Park’s “One Step Closer.” Sounds like a fun weekend.

Check out some of the footage below, and if you’re lucky enough to live in this area or have XclocktowerX come to your town, prepare for the fun and madness that will ensue.

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