

  • Kip Wingerschmidt

In lieu of all the ludicrous speed you maniacs tend to imbibe over the course of a typical weekend, we here at MetalSucks encourage you to join us this weekend in confronting a beast of a different nature for a couple daze and get yr motherfucking grunge on!

Yes, that forgotten genre (for most) will be getting its very own tribute, MetalSucks style. For one weekend only, Axl, Vince, and I will be showing our love (and hate) for the Seattle-spawned early 90s craze known as GRUNGE.

Sure, it’s largely nostalgic, but it’s also essential to revisit the building blocks of our experience of rock, and I think I speak for all of us here at MetalSucks in saying that while we’re pretty happy to have grunge as a thing of the past, we continue to look back on that time with a severely stoned smile…

So dig out the flannel and get ready for some action, Jackson! ‘Cause this weekend it’s on, Eddie Vedder and all…


[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/NP6DXoNKITc" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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