New Stuff



black tuskI know a bunch of people who seem to think that Black Tusk are the shit. I think they sound exactly like you’d expect any band that’s got a guy with a giant beard and artwork by John Baizley to sound like. And while this certainly isn’t a bad thing, it’s mostly a “meh” thing. Why do we need another band like this? We need it about as much as we need another durka durka chugga deathcore band or weedily weedily tech-death band… which is to say we don’t.

Black Tusk have a new song called “Embrace the Madness” streaming on their MySpace page. It comes from their forthcoming album Taste the Sin — out May 25th — and it sounds exactly like it’s been written by a band that’s got a guy with a giant beard and artwork by John Baizley.

Check out the song and listen for yourselves. Perhaps you can all tell me what I’m missing.


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