Exclusive Video Premiere: Spiter Make Black Metal Fun Again on “I Am Dracula”

Rare is the black metal band that takes themselves completely seriously and also has a sense of humor. Those two traits typically exist in separate, carefully constructed silos, their contents forbidden from intermingling for fear of toxic vapors or spontaneous combustion.
Enter Spiter, a Philadelphia blackened punk outfit who, simply put, just get it. Metal is a serious pursuit, but it’s not all cold calculation and intellectualism, and Spiter have a highly developed sense (Spitey sense? sorry) of when to ham it up and when to go for the jugular. The result, in their brand new video for “I Am Dracula” — which MetalSucks is pleased to premiere today — will elicit both a smile and a headbang, a combo that’s hard to find in today’s metal climate of YouTube goofballs on one end and tough-guy posing on the other. Very much like a certain website you happen to be reading.
Explains the band of their newest offering:
“In our spirit of True Vampyric Metal Punk, here is our homage to our lord, the Son of the Dragon, Vlad Tepes, Dracula!”
Spiter are:
Richard Spider (Shitfucker): guitar, vocals, songwriting, art
Bat (Devil Master): bass
Snake (Disjawn): drums
Watch the video for “I Am Dracula” below. The Draconian Death Curse EP comes out on April 22; pre-order here.