Full Album Premiere: Heretical Sect’s Rapturous Flesh Consumed

It’s fucking cold out, we haven’t seen the sun here at the MS Mansion in days, and the ground covered with frost as we stare down a long, lonely winter. Even if you live in a place where winter simply means “less hot,” we’re in the middle of a global pandemic with no end in sight, the masses huddled at home, out of work, and down in the dumps, left to rot by our corrupt and incompetent leaders.
With that in mind, MetalSucks has the perfect soundtrack for all that is wrong with the world right now, and forever: blackened death metal collective Heretical Sect’s debut album, Rapturous Flesh Consumed. Gnarly black metal passages collide with crushing death blows, cacophonous vocals dealing the final hit over top of cavernous drums. If this is the soundtrack to the coming apocalypse, we’re all in and ready to meet our maker.
Some words from bassist Crypt Hammer:
“The recording is raw, wild and imperfect like all living things. As a whole the album was an experiment for all of us. We pushed ourselves in terms of collaborative songwriting, recording techniques, and the lyrical theme that ties the entire album together. All of us at one point or another have said, ‘this is different than anything I’ve ever done before.’ For that reason, it is somewhat of a vulnerable experience. We’re pretty amped about the potential in it and are working on new material with thoughts on how to challenge ourselves further.
“The lyrical content is inspired by elements of darkness that are consistent in colonial history, the overlap of severe religious crusades with colonial expansion, the great nothingness that spreads eternally at the feet of humankind. While the content is certainly dark, we as individuals believe in a peaceful existence, an existence that will never be created without addressing the darker realities of our collective history. It’s this kind of reflection that is necessary for mental balance. So thanks for consuming our deranged music. Hails to all of the malcontents.”
Rapturous Flesh Consumed comes out via Gilead Media on December 11; stream it in full below and pre-order it here.