Enlarge It's for charity.

You Can Now Adopt One of the Dots on the Cover of Deftones’ Ohms

  • Axl Rosenberg

There are 12,995 dots on the cover of the new Deftones album, Ohms — and now you can point very specifically at one of them and say “That dot is MINE!”

You Can Now Adopt One of the Dots on the Cover of Deftones’ Ohms

The band is giving fans a chance to “adopt” the dots for $20 each. And while it’s tempting to call this a scam akin to having a star named after someone, it’s actually being done to raise money for two very worthy charities, so you hafta check your cynicism at the door:

“12,995 dots comprise the Ohms album cover, and we’re inviting you to become a part of it. By adopting a dot on the cover, you’ll be contributing to the UC Davis Children’s Hospital and to Crew Nation to fund lifesaving research and pediatric services, as well as support the music industry’s vital crew members, whose livelihood have been impacted by COVID-19. Please join us in supporting these two great organizations and adopt a dot (or many) on our album cover.”

Assuming every dot on the cover finds a loving home, the band will have raised $259,900 for this pair of charities. So this is really just a slightly-clever way to pass around a collection basket. I back it.

You can adopt a dot here.

The dots have already become somewhat of a “thing,” thanks, at least in part, to the band’s new Instagram filter, which allows you to project those dots onto any surface you like.

Ohms will be released this Friday, September 25. You can listen to both of the singles — the title track and “Genesis” — below. Pre-order the album here.

Deftones had a summer tour planned with Gojira and Poppy, but that was rescheduled to 2021 in light of the ongoing pandemic.

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