
Revocation Coronavirus Merch Generates Nearly 5,600 Masks for Medical Professionals

  • Axl Rosenberg

Remember the special coronavirus/ social distancing-themed merch Revocation started selling last month to raise money in order to purchase masks for medical professionals on the front lines of our current pandemic? Well, it worked out real good: the band raked in more than ten grand, and were subsequently able to secure nearly 5,600 masks. Sez the band:

“Thank you everyone that purchased a Stay Home tee. We were able to purchase 5,580 KN95 masks that we just finished boxing up to send to nurses & hospitals we have been in contact with around the US. Tees will begin shipping tomorrow.”

This is, as Seth Meyers would say, the kind of story we need right now. Dio bless Revocation.

The shirts appear to still be on sale, BTW. So if you haven’t gotten yours yet… what are you waiting for? 100% of the proceeds from this tee will go to providing medical masks and supplies to nurses in need!!!

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