Enlarge "Stay in, don't go out And wash your hands now Mask up, mask up Coz we're going into lockdown"

“Corona” (Limp Bizkit “Rollin'” Parody)


In any other climate a parody of Limp Bizkit’s “Rollin’” would be passé, but in the horrifying landscape of today’s pandemic/apocalypse, it’s everything. Especially this one, titled “Corona,” in which all the lyrics have been modified to reflect the ongoing world crisis. For example:

“Stay in, don’t go out
And wash your hands now
Mask up, mask up
Coz we’re going into lockdown”

“Corona! Rona! Rona! Rona! (yeah!)”

You get the idea. It’s good stuff, and exactly the kind of mental break we need, even if it’s Limp Bizkit. Jam it below.

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