Round about this time of year we start to see those clusterfucks known as year-end lists appear in our favorite metal publications. This morning Axl wrote about Noisecreep’s Top Ten Albums 0f 2009 list, and this afternoon Noisecreep took it one step further by publishing their own “Best Songs of the 2000s” list. And look at that — it’s ranked! Meaning you can all get really hot and bothered about why Tool is ranked higher than Mastodon! A fruitful argument if ever there was one. </saracasm>
Choosing a list of the best songs from an entire decade is a Sisyphean task if ever there was one. What are there, thousands, hundreds of thousands of metal songs released in a decade? But Noisecreep’s list wins points for diversity — Converge right next to Pig Destroyer right next to Slipknot (for example). And hey, here we are talking about the list… so Noisecreep must’ve done something right.
Check out the list then weigh in with your thoughts below.