Carbomb’s “HeLa” is Hella Good

From here on out, I suspect “HeLa” will be the song I use to try and turn n00bs onto Car Bomb. Why? Because by Car Bomb standards, it’s relatively straightforward.
Don’t lose your shit: I did say “by Car Bomb standards.” This song still has plenty of the mathcore mechanics for which the group is known. Appropriately for a band with their name, large portions of the track call to mind an engine trying to start. But it’s also got something resembling a chorus, with melody, even, and a bridge that is pretty close to being melodeath (2:13). So, yeah, this less of a brain bleeder than your average Car Bomb jam, the way “Sunshine the Werewolf” is less of a brain bleeder than your average Dillinger tune. It will still make your brain bleed plenty, it’s just that as your brain bleeds it’ll be like “Oh, this song is making my brain bleed,” and not just, like, “qdiwf01!#riw&b-oF9A*&)JX_NJCI.,;AL.” Does that make sense?
Thus, it is the perfect song with which to lure in new Car Bomb fans.
You can listen to “HeLa” below. Use it to lure in someone you know would appreciate this band.
The track comes Car Bomb’s new album, Mordial, which will be self-released by the band on September 27 (with Holy Roar Records handling the European release). Pre-orders are here. The band’s upcoming live dates are at the bottom of this post!
Car Bomb Live
Sept 13 – Brooklyn, NY @ Saint Vitus – Mordial listening party
Sept 29 – Cologne, Germany @ Euroblast Festival – EU record release show
Oct 25 – Brooklyn, NY @ Kingsland – US record release show