
Ornithologist: Jacob Bannon Sounds like a Northern Potoo, Randy Blythe Sounds like a Mute Swan

  • Axl Rosenberg

Two Minutes to Late Night recently enlisted ornithologist Tom Stevenson to help them answer that most puzzling and important of questions: what type of bird do famous metal singers sound like? Stevenson listened to samples of Converge, Lamb of God, King Diamond, Deafheaven, and, of course, Hatebeak, and provided helpful answers. I think he got pretty close in some cases but is kinda pushing it in others. Still, the video is highly entertaining, even if just for host Gwarsenio Hall’s reaction shots. Also, to learn that birds don’t fart. The more you know…

Get out your binoculars and birdwatch this shit:

[via Metal Injection]

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