
Albums That Will #$@&%*! Your Face Off in 2016: Collision, Satanic Surgery

  • Axl Rosenberg

It’s January, and you know what that means — it’s time for MetalSucks’ seventh annual new year preview, Albums That Will #$@&%*! Your Face Off! As with previous years, we won’t be spotlighting all the great releases coming out this year, but, rather, concentrating on lesser-known bands whose new releases might otherwise escape your attention. Look for these posts by assorted MetalSucks staffers throughout the week. We hope you enjoy ‘em!

collision - bandpicture - 1

Satanic Surgery (Hammerheart)
February 19

Who the fuck are CollisionSatanic Surgery is apparently the Dutch band’s fourth album, but I ain’t never heard of ’em ’til now, and truth be told, I only checked out the promo because of the rad cover art by Luis Sendon:

Collision - Satanic Surgery

Ladies and germs, I am pleased to report that this is one of these instances where you totally can judge a book by its cover: Satanic Surgery is insane, and insanely good. The accompanying press notes claim that Satanic Surgery is “Surprisingly catchy for such a high octane and ballistic album,” and that’s not just hype. Grindcore with a particularly-noticeable thrash influence, Satanic Surgery has no fat on it — each and every song is a totally ripper, the kind of tune that makes you wanna get so drunk you puke on a stranger, get in a fight, and end up in jail. I can only imagine the intensity of the mosh pits this record will no doubt inspire.

Luckily, you won’t have to wait very long to hear Satanic Surgery for yourself: it drops next month! In the meantime, why not sample some of its wares via album opener and lead single “Cripple the Cross,” hm?

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