Dreadnought: U Jam?
An old adult once told young me that someday I would have less energy to invest in music. By necessity or by choice, I would begin to narrow my interest to music of two categories. 1. Awesome stuff that requires zero effort to comprehend (party music, black metal) and 2. awesome stuff that I already know (plus new and/or obscure stuff that’s just like it). The bitter jerk also explained that I would definitely feel shame about it, which means that to compensate I’d advocate too hard for my favorite bands (ie. ones in the “two categories”) annnd be way too hard on all the others. Because who wants to admit complacency, stated my ex-favorite family member with a shrug. Nope, it’s easier to take up the position that it’s all the music’s fault, all these sucky bands and genres, their outfits and no chops, their awful production and so on, proclaimed the buzzkilling spoiler assface.
Applying this theory to this awesome new album by Dreadnought (below, out yesterday), we may conclude that a bombed-out music lover in their late 30s might latch on to Bridging Realms because it conjures bands from both “categories” (imagine Kate Bush and half of Sky Cries Mary produced by Quorthon). But busting the theory is the certainty that those olds for whom Dreadnought’s vibe is totally new will grow addicted to the quartet’s surprises, the way that no moment of Realms implies the next one. Shit, this is getting pretty egghead. Crank it up!!
Dreadnought’s second album Bridging Realms came out this week via Sailor Records. Get it here. Tour dates here.