When Terror Isn’t Terror, by Scott Vogel

Terror still has some great years left in us. Our new record, The 25th Hour, is about to be released and things seem to still be positive and moving forward all the time. But this thing will inevitably come to an end one day. After spending so much time with these dudes it’s funny to think about where their lives (and my own) will go when the Terror crew calls it quits. Here’s where I think we’ll all be when Terror is no longer Terror.
Nick Jett
Current Occupation: Drums
Post-Terror: Long haul truck driver
Man, this dude can drive. If we have a drive of 10 hours or less, it’s pretty much assumed that Nick is doing the whole thing. Every day when we wake up on tour and it’s time to go, Nick goes to the driver seat, starts the van up and we are off to the next city. He also has a nomad Viking side to him, never feeling the need to be settled in one place. Even after a long tour, Nick is still on the move traveling and exploring. Twenty years from now you may run into him at a Flying J, gassing up his 18-wheeler.
David Wood
Current Occupation: Bass
Post-Terror: Professional fisherman
David loves to fish and he’s good at it. He also loves swimming and jumping off of cliffs and bridges, and anything else to do with water. I could see him buying a boat and turning his love for the water into a career. He loves Virginia too and I bet he will always stay grounded there. Maybe you’ll catch him docking his boat for a mid-day break as he climbs up something, anything, for a nice jump into the James River.
Martin Stewart
Current Occupation: Guitar
Post-Terror: Computer tech by day, black metal by night
Martin is getting a lot of his partying out now on tour and has been for years. Whenever this band ends, he’s going to put his computer and design skills to work at a nice office, and he’ll have nice things, and people will say “Wow, that Martin is such a normal guy.” Until one night when the office goes out for drinks next door to a venue hosting black metal bands with logos you can’t read and names that you can’t pronounce. Co-workers who step out front for a smoke will spot a man that looks oddly familiar, but dressed in black clothes and face paint and spikes; “Martin… is that you?”
Jordan Posner
Current Occupation: Guitar
Post-Terror: A millionaire
After the ultimate demise of Terror, Jordan will still be in Toronto. First he’ll crash into a downward spiral of bad decisions and bad luck, just like his life hero George Costanza. When he hits rock bottom, after all the bar bands he tried to get going fail, he’ll come back to his Les Paul (yes, the one he will never take on tour with Terror) and in a moment of clarity he will begin to write commercial jingles. Yes, jingles. And he’ll sell them for a lot of money, then take his Les Paul and move to Jamaica to live the good life.
Scott Vogel
Current Occupation: Vocals
Post-Terror: High school football coach
Before I found hardcore all I cared about was sports. I played them all. When I got into hardcore, I forgot all about sports and all I wanted to do was go to shows, every show I could, traveling out of town and eventually starting a band. It’s only natural that I will pick up where I left off. I will put all my knowledge of studying the five seasons of Friday Night Lights together with my many years of screaming, and finally my experience of barking orders to the crowd to move and jump will make me into one football coach to be reckoned with. Those in-between song motivational speeches about making this a better scene and Terror catchphrases like “Keeping the faith” and “Overcoming” will be real handy when we are down by a few points with two minutes left on the clock and I have to rally the team.
Terror’s new album The 25th Hour is out now. Grab it here!