AC/DC Drummer Phil Rudd Arrested for Trying to Have Two People Murdered

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd has been arrested and charged with possession of cannabis and methamphetine, threatening to kill someone, and “trying to procure the murder of two people in New Zealand,” according to ABC. Because hiring a hitman worked out so well for Tim Lambesis.
Rudd, pictured above during his initial court hearing, is out on bail now, and is due to appear in court again on November 27.
This seems worth noting, too: although Rudd appears on AC/DC’s new album, Rock or Bust, he was not present for the recent filming of two new music videos. At the time, the band said that the drummer’s absence was due to a family emergency… but then they also released a new promo photo without him:Could the other members of AC/DC possibly seen this coming down the road? Maybe not this, specifically, but something? It’s possible Rudd was acting really nutty as of late, and the band had a feeling they might soon have to show him the door (again — he was already kicked out once before, in 1983, before re-joining the band in 1994). Obviously I’m speculating there, but… I don’t really believe in coincidences in these sorts of situations.
But who knows? Maybe Rudd is innocent. Maybe he won’t even get sacked. Or maybe they have him on tape telling an undercover cop he wants someone whacked. Time will tell.
Thanks: Braden