Metal Drummer Samus Paulicelli Recorded a Metal Song Entirely with His Own Farts as Vocals

I’ve long claimed that vocalists in metal have become mostly irrelevant. But Decrepit Birth drummer Samus Paulicelli, who has been posting a string of highly entertaining videos of late, has taken that idea to its logical conclusion: he’s recorded a metal song entirely with his own farts serving as the lead “vocals.” HIS OWN ACTUAL FARTS THAT HE RECORDED WITH A MICROPHONE. Samus swears that “every fart you hear is real and came from my own butt-hole.”
And lest you think you’ve seen it all by the time the video hits 1:20, well… you haven’t. You’re in for a real surprise! Not recommended viewing if you just ate lunch.
And no, you are not too old to think this is funny. No guilt! Farts will ALWAYS be funny. When I’m on my deathbed and I let one slip while a nurse is in the room I’m gonna crack up like a little kid.
Samus and Steel Panther bassist / fart enthusiast Lexxi Foxx really oughtta get together for a fart-off. MetalSucks will sponsor!