
Fun Time Waster: Take This Quiz, Find Out Which 80s Metal Band You Should Be In

  • Axl Rosenberg

Here’s a nice way to procrastinate for like sixty whole seconds: a gentleman named Gilbert Ortega has created the game/quiz/whatever “Which 80s Heavy Metal Band Should You Be In?”, which asks you a quick series of silly questions (e.g., “What kind of venue do you prefer to play in?”, “What’s your favorite lyrical topic?”, “Leather, spandex, or denim?”, etc.) to determine the answer. I got Motörhead. Which kind of makes sense, because Lemmy collects Nazi memorabilia, and the Nazis killed nineteen members of my family. But it also kinda doesn’t make sense, because who the fuck would classify Motörhead as an 80s band? Their first album came out in 1977, and they’re still extremely popular today. They’re not like, say, Mötley Crüe, whose first album came out in 1981 and were very much “of that era,” or W.A.S.P., who weren’t popular anymore by the time the 90s rolled around.Axl Should Be in Motorhead

ANYWAY, you can take the quiz for yourself here.

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