Touring Guitarist Lee Evans Says Born of Osiris Owe Him Money

Guitarist Lee Evans has never recorded with Born of Osiris — but he’s toured with them plenty, both in support of 2009’s A Higher Place and 2011’s The Discovery. I doubt he’ll ever tour with the band again, though — ’cause apparently he and the BOO crew have beef, which he has now chosen to make public:
There’s a part of my BOO story I feel I must disclose, a cautionary tale for anyone who has business involvement with the band.
In 2012, when they had asked me to rejoin the group, they hadn’t played a show in 6 months, and were broke. I fronted money for band expenses, and was told I’d be paid back at the end of our tour with Unearth (November 2012). Here is a list of what I have not been reimbursed for.
$376.71 for a ConEd bill
$339.63 for Rocktron power amps for Lee McKinney and myself
$817.59 for hotels
$746.83 Fractal repair for Lee McKinney’s Axe FX Ultra and a replacement MFC-101
$136.20 for UPS shipping my and Lee McKinney’s guitars to Ernie Ball for tuneups
$425.65 for assorted Guitar Center receipts* (drum hardware for Cameron, rackmount case, flight case, David’s wireless, bass strings, a Sennheiser mic for Ronnie)*some of this was paid by band cash, and I fronted the rest, totaling to $425.65.
This was supposed to be repaid to me Nov 31, but the band thought meager personal payouts were more important. Since then, this outstanding debt has spread to other areas of my life. 8 whole months have passed and I’m still waiting.
That’s almost $3,000 total, no small chunka change in a business where the Courvoisier ain’t exactly flowing freely.
As of this writing, BOO haven’t publicly commented on Evans’ accusations… but, surely, this response to Evans’ message from another former BOO touring guitairst, Jason Richardson, won’t help the band’s case in the court of public opinion:
“Props on posting this, everyone needs to know how unprofessional and sketchy these fuck ups are. Nothing has changed in the least bit apparently hahaha really bums me out that this happened to a good person like you. Don’t let them take advantage of you again man, all they do is bring everyone down around them.”
It is possible, of course, that this is just two disgruntled former employees being disgruntled, but these accusations are alarming nonetheless. We’ll let you know BOO release a response.
In semi-related news, “disgruntled” is a funny-sounding word.
[via Lambgoat]