
Kiss to Play ‘Unmasked’ in Las Vegas Later This Year, Announce Relaunch of Kiss Army


Can we all just agree as the metal and rock community as a whole to never believe a single artist or band when they say they’ve played their final show ever? Too many times bands come out, say they’re doneskis forever and ever only for them to come back at a later date. Black Sabbath, Mötley Crüe, Ozzy… the list goes on, yet one offender is so bad they’re doing it a second time — Kiss.

Remember how Kiss hung it up in 2000, only to come back, have a farewell tour 23 years later, play one final massive show at Madison Square Garden, and then announce they’ll keep touring but as digital avatars? That’s two farewell tours. Well now they’re coming back for a one-off show (and who knows if that’ll be it) only this time they’ll be… unmasked.

It’s all in celebration of the revitalization of the Kiss Army, a fan group that started 50 years ago and is now seeing a resurgence. On November 14 to 16, the group is holding a Kiss celebration at the Virgin Hotel Las Vegas for what’s being called the ‘KISS Army Storms Vegas’ event.

Over the course of the weekend, Kiss fans will “take over” the hotel and enjoy events like Q&As with Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons and manager Doc McGhee, a special guest performance by Bruce Kulick, and a whole ass unmasked electric Kiss show with “special guests.” And there’s a whole lot more apparently, with the entire schedule coming out soon.

And on top of all this, the KISS Army is relaunced so you can join that and gain early access to tickets for the Las Vegas celebration. But don’t think that’s free — that’ll cost you an additional $50 because Gene Simmons says so. KISS Army and fan presale for the Las Vegas event begins April 2 at 7 a.m. PST / 10 a.m. EST. General on-sale begins April 7 at 7 a.m. PST / 10 a.m. EST.

You can find out more about the event over at Kiss’ official page on the matter.

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