Enlarge Photo credit: Hues Productions NC

Larcenia Roe’s “Lip Split” is a Disgustingly Heavy Piece of ‘Kazoocore’


You ever hear something that’s just so disgustingly heavy with stupid ignorant riffs that are so low and dense they almost bend time and space but also makes time for a little “Hot Crossed Buns” on a weird kazoo/recorder combo instrument? If you haven’t, you’re about to because that’s exactly what Larcenia Roe is offering with their latest single “Lip Split”.

Seriously, this was one of those super weird tracks that make me wonder where the fuck metal’s headed. Because if this is the future, we’re in for some wild and weird shit.

With their debut album Extraction coming out on May 16 via Unique Leader Records, this deathcore outfit seemingly gives zero fucks what you think about them. Yes, it’s got blast beats. Yes, the guitars are slow and chuggy as fuck. And yes, the dueling vocals by Ryan Vail and guitarist Henry Koster are gutterral one second and then they soar to a whistle scream the next. There are enough tempo changes and breakdowns to choke a horse.

And of course, the band calls this track “real dance music. Shake and smile.”

You can check out the new track in the video down below.

Extraction track listing

  1. TEETH
  2. Calcium Closet (feat. Alex Koehler)
  3. Eggy Mess (feat. Vulvodynia)
  4. Carolina Crowd Killer (feat. Filth)
  5. Lip Split
  6. Sickly Sweet
  7. Flesh and Brine
  8. Cary Ain’t No Raleigh
  9. Happy Fingers
  10. Lullaby (Special)
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