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Nails, Ulthar, Undeath, Genocide Pact Members Form Blood Monolith, Unveil Single and Album


A new death metal supergroup of epic proportions has emerged and holy hell, this looks like it’s going to be fucking crazy. Earlier today, Profound Lore Records revealed that the band in question, Blood Monolith, had a debut album coming out on May 16 and that the first single was out. What they also revealed, was that it was comprised of members of Nails, Undeath, Ulthar, Genocide Pact, and others.

Established by Nails and Ulthar’s Shelby Lermo after his time with Vastum came to an end in 2023, the band is comprised of himself, guitarist Tommy Wall (Undeath), bassist Nolan (Genocide Pact, Shitstorm) and drummer Aidan Tydings-Lynch (Deliriant Nerve, Brain Tourniquet). Damn.

In addition to the band announcement, their first single “Prayer to Crom” was released on streaming services. The fact that it’s the band’s first publicly available single is especially apt, according to Lermo, who said it was an early composition in the band’s career.

“‘Prayer To Crom’ is the first song Tommy and I composed for this project, and I think it gave us a laser focus on where we should take the rest of the album. It is a mission statement, both musically and lyrically – a sword cleaving a path to annihilation.”

As you can expect, given the names involved, the first single is violent as fuck. It’s just unrelenting and honestly, it’s got me excited for what comes next. Which should be more information and singles from their forthcoming album The Calling of Fire, which will be released on May 16.

You can check out the band’s first single below, as well as some details behind their debut album The Calling Of Fire. You can preorder a copy today.

The Calling Of Fire Track Listing:

1. Trepanation Worm
2. The Owl In Daylight
3. Prayer To Crom
4. Viscera Vobiscum
5. Apparatus
6. Cleansing
7. Slaughter Garden
8. Pyroklesis

Nails, Ulthar, Undeath, Genocide Pact Members Form Blood Monolith, Unveil Single and Album
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