Randy Blythe: New Lamb of God Music “Won’t Take Five Years to Come Out, I Promise”
We may not have to wait too long for Lamb of God‘s follow up to 2022’s Omens if vocalist Randy Blythe has his way. At least that’s what he said while promoting his second book, Just Beyond The Light: Making Peace With The Wars Inside Our Head.
In an interview with NME, Blythe was questioned about whether Lamb of God had any plans or was actively working on any new material. And as it turns out, Blythe said everyone’s pretty much writing new shit all the time.
“You bet. There will definitely be a new record; it’s just a matter of us getting it all together. We’re always writing. I’ve been writing lyrics. My dudes write riffs all the time, and we’re always documenting stuff. For now though, our guitar player, Mark [Morton] has got a new solo record [Without The Pain] coming out, so he’s been working on promoting that. I got my book out too, so people are always doing various things. But yes, there will most definitely be new Lamb of God music and it won’t take five years to come out, I promise. As of right now though, there is no concrete release date.”
Lamb of God is currently taking a little bit of a breather, having toured extensively in support of Omens and with both Blythe and Morton out doing their own thing right now.
The next show they’ve got lined up is the July 5 ‘Back to the Beginning’ gig in Birmingham, U.K. to send Ozzy and Black Sabbath off into retirement. Then it’s just some appearances at U.S. festivals this summer: Inkcarceration Festival on July 20; Unhinged Fest on July 27; Louder Than Life festival late September; and Aftershock Festival on Oct. 3.