Tool Got Booed at Their Own Festival for Playing Similar Sets Both Nights
Whoever came up with the phrase “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” apparently never met a Tool fan, because boy were people pissed in the Dominican Republic over the weekend during Tool’s special Tool in the Sand Festival. And it all stems from a promise made when the festival was announced and the reality that took place at the end of each night.
You may not remember, but when Tool announced this past weekend’s festival, they stated that their headlining performances each night would feature unique setlists. However, over the course of the second night, fans realized that wasn’t the case, with roughly half of the second setlist featuring songs from the previous night. The band played “Fear Inoculum,” “Jambi,” “Pneuma,” and “Rosetta Stoned” both nights, even though fan favorites like “Sober” and “The Pot” nowhere in sight. Hell, find two more tracks and that would have addressed the problem.
March 7 Setlist
- “Stinkfist”
- “Fear Inoculum”
- “Rosetta Stoned”
- “Pneuma”
- “Jambi”
- “Schism”
- “The Grudge”
- “The Flood”
- “Invincible”
- “Vicarious” (first time since 2020)
March 8 Setlist
- “Fear Inoculum”
- “Ænema”
- “Rosetta Stoned”
- “Pneuma”
- “Jambi”
- “Descending”
- “Chocolate Chip Trip”
- “Intolerance”
- “Swamp Song”
Oh and if that wasn’t enough, the second night was one song shorter, so people were extra upset. Disappointment boiled over among the fans, with many taking to Reddit and social media to blast Tool for the setlist snafu. Video clips emerged online of fans flipping the band off and screaming “fuck you” during the second night’s show. One fan took to Tool’s Facebook page to lay it all out there:
“They quit 30 minutes early tonight. If you hated Tool fans, this is what you would do. It’s perplexing that they are this disconnected from reality. I think it’s more than fucked up; I think it’s a breach of contract and they owe us a refund for tonight. Unacceptable. At least Primus kicked ass, and the other bands were great. Tool is my favorite band, and I’m just beside myself that they would do this after all that hype.”
Sure the band can say that the setlists were technically different, but for a band with such an already established back catalog of great songs, you’d expect them to be able to choose 19 (or 20) different songs to play that would get fans excited. Or maybe just don’t say you were doing two unique sets if that wasn’t entirely the case.
Looking forward, Tool still have some South American shows lined up for this spring. You can check out the list of dates below:
3/12 Monterrey, MX Explanada del Estadio Mobil Super
3/15 Mexico City, MX Explanada del Estadio Azteca
3/18 Guadalajara, MX Calle 2
3/22 Buenos Aires, AR Lollapalooza Argentina
3/23 Santiago, CL Lollapalooza Chile
3/28 Bogota, CO Estéreo Picnic
3/30 São Paulo, BR Lollapalooza Brasi