Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe Does Not Give a S**t About the Grammys
Lamb of God‘s Randy Blythe is such a vibe. A vibe and a real one. He was just on Hatebreed’s Jamey Jasta’s video podcast “The Jasta Show” where he was asked if he watched the Grammys this year, and he gave such a good response, like he typically does with things. He made it very clear it’s not something he really partakes in. Which, why would he honestly? It’s all rigged! Just look at what he has to say about it…
“The thing about the Grammys, and I’ve been told… People are always, like, ‘They don’t know anything about metal,’ and, ‘They don’t know anything about this,’ and, ‘Why did this person win?’ Most of the members of The Recording Academy, and I’ve been informed this, they don’t [know much about metal]… ‘Cause you have to vote for every single category. You can’t be, like, ‘I’m into metal. I’m a member of The Recording Academy. I’m gonna vote for this, because that’s my expertise.’ No. You have to vote for every single category. So half the time, a member of The Recording Academy, who is some member of the record industry, whatever, hands it to their secretary and says, ‘Fill this out.’ It’s not a jury of your fucking peers.
“I’m very proud of GOJIRA that they got this, and I’m not trying to denigrate their achievements or anything, but the Grammys mean fucking nothing to me. I have five nominations.
“They don’t even send me the invite anymore because I auctioned my Grammy medallions off for charity.
“To quote Flavor Flav, who gives a fuck about a goddamn Grammy? Not me. I don’t care. I don’t care about prizes and I don’t need a cookie. If I made what I like, it’s cool.
“If that’s important to someone else, fine. But I don’t give a fuck.”