
Disturbed’s David Draiman Wants a Kendrick Lamar Collaboration


Disturbed is just such a funny band. They don’t even try to be, and that’s what makes them even better. The band’s frontman David Draiman recently did an interview with Brian Haddad of Chicago’s Q101 radio station about someone who’s definitely been in the news a lot lately—Kendrick Lamar. Like every other person with eyes for entertainment, Draiman saw the Super Bowl halftime show and was just as enamored by it as the rest of us. As he told Haddad, teaming up with Lamar is at the top of his list.

“You know what? It’s something we’ve actually been thinking about pretty seriously,” Draiman said. “Kendrick is way at the top of the list.”

Apparently, the band has a track they feel would be perfect for a rapper feature. He described it as a “modern-day ‘Walk This Way’ or ‘Bring the Noise’”—each collaboration between rock bands and rappers if you weren’t (Run DMC with Aerosmith and Anthrax with Public Enemy, respectively).

“It’s very much like that. It’s about unity. It’s all about bringing people together. And it needs a strong rapper, whomever that might be, and Kendrick would definitely be an amazing person to collaborate with. I would love to do that. We would love to do this.

“You heard it here first. Kendrick, if you’re at all interested, let’s go ahead and shock the world a little bit. Let’s let everybody know that we have more in common than we do that separates us. And let’s take our artistry to another level together. I would love to do that.”

Haddad, being the good in-the-know journalist he is, brought up how Draiman mentioned on Instagram before how he wanted to work with Lamar. To that, Draiman said:

“Nah. Who knows if the guy even monitors his own Instagram account? With somebody that big with that many people following him, I’m sure he’s got like a team of people that do all sorts of things for him. And I’m probably just a tiny little blip in a huge sea of noise. So I would imagine that didn’t cut through. But now that we’re talking about it, maybe it will.

“I would love for him to actually be aware of it and notice it, and who knows? Maybe we can actually do something.”

You know what? I actually would love to see this happen. Please let Kendrick see this. Please let Disturbed be a part of whatever Kendrick’s next beef is.

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