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Survey Suggests You Sickos Like Listening to Deftones and System of a Down While You Sh*t


Ah, music. Truly one of life’s greatest joys. Thanks to the advent of modern technology, we can listen to our favorite artists wherever we go — out shopping, taking a walk, grilling among friends… But pooping? Apparently enough people require listening materials during their bowel movements that a survey was conducted by QS Supplies and Fractl to see which genres and artists most helped people get things moving while on the porcelain throne.

And for at least the metal fans that responded, we now know you people apparently like to fuck and shit to Deftones and System of a Down. Though not necessarily at the same time (I’m not here to kink shame).

According to the survey, which asked 500 Brits and 500 Americans about their bathroom listening habits and analyzed more than 300,000 Spotify bathroom time playlists, metal was one of the least listened to genres while taking a dump at 7% of respondents. Unsurprisingly, pop got the most at 23%.

When broken down by artist, metal fans apparently most enjoy listening to Deftones while they drop a deuce, followed by System of a Down, and weirdly enough — Kamelot.

The survey also asked what people listened to while they showered (Metallica/Black Sabbath/Septultura) and took a bath (Metallica/Pantera/Ozzy Osbourne) but those aren’t nearly as funny as thinking of someone screaming out “WAKE UP as;ldkjfa;sldfjkas;ljdf MAKEUP” while trying desperately to squeeze out that block of cheddar they had for lunch.

Unsurprisingly, the data suggests that while people are less likely to listen to music while shitting, baby boomers (6%) and Gen X (5%) were less likely to do so, while millennials (11%) and Gen Z (15%) were more likely.

As for strictly rock music listening defecators, people most enjoyed listening to Radiohead, The Beatles, and Pink Floyd to get things flowing. At least with Radiohead that kinda makes sense if things are particularly difficult and you just want to die. We’ve all been there. I just think I equate Deftones to sad or sexy times… not “oh god, what died inside me?!” times.

There’s a whole lot of interesting data in the rest of the survey, so if you want to find out what your teeny bopping cousin might listen to while going to the can, check out the rest of the information for yourself.

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