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Sun Dont Shine Get a Little Alice In Chains-y With Their New Track “The Promise Song”


If you forgot all about Sun Dont Shine (formerly known as Eye Am), you could be forgiven for that. It’s been far too long since they last said or released anything to keep the hype going, but such is the nature of supergroups. People have other commitments and well, things fall by the wayside. But earlier today, the band dropped their most recent single titled “The Promise Song” and I gotta say, I’m getting some strong Alice In Chains vibes in this one.

Comprised of former Type O Negative members Kenny Hickey and Johnny Kelly, along with Crowbar frontman Kirk Windstein and bassist Todd Strange, this particular supergroup is bursting at the seams with talent. And while their previous songs “Dreams Always Die With The Sun” and “Cryptomnesia” were particularly heavy affairs, this new track just screams “Alice In Chains” to me. Maybe it’s the vocal harmonies, but that’s just how I hear it.

Speaking of how the track came together, Hickey said this one was the result of some experimentation in the studio.

“This one was a real example of shooting from the hip. I had the basic framework for the song having no real idea how it was going to come out. Then Kirk laid his tracks and turned the bridge into a totally different animal, intensifying everything, and laid down a stellar guitar lead that deepened the entire track.”

It’s honestly amazing how these guys keep putting out cool, interesting songs yet they still haven’t announced details about their debut album or anything like that. I know that time will come, but God damn it, I need to know!

In the meantime, check out “The Promise Song,” as well as the other two tracks below. You can get physical copies of “The Promise Song”, as well as merch, over at the band’s page.

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