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Ex-Exodus Guitarist Rick Hunolt Celebrates 15 Years of Sobriety


There’s an old adage that suggests that hindsight, or the ability to look back on our lives with the sort of clarity only time can afford, is 20/20. It’s a reference to having perfect vision and the wisdom afforded to us as we grow older. For 61-year-old guitarist and former Exodus member Rick Hunolt, the passage of time also marks something incredibly special and important — his sobriety.

In a post on his Facebook page earlier today, Hunolt posted that today marks his 15th anniversary of finding sobriety. His message reads as such:

“1/8/2010. The day I took my life back from addiction and insanity.

For those that don’t know, Hunolt was a member of the seminal Bay Area thrash metal outfit from 1983 to 1993, making him a prominent member during the early years and featured in the band’s first five albums. Since then, he’s gone on to return to the band twice more, with his most recent stint running from 2001 to 2005. These days, he’s guitarist for DieHumane.

We at MetalSucks would like to congratulate Hunolt on reaching such a major milestone. Here’s to many more years of happy and healthy metalocity.

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