Sh*t That Comes Out Today: November 29, 2024
Well, it’s Black Friday. If you’re not reading this still glued to your bed, couch, or favorite chair from all the delicious food you ate yesterday, you’re probably reading this on your phone while you wait on line (or online) for some good deals. Hopefully you’re not out there looking for new metal releases because I’ve got those for you right here.
Dreaming The Strife For Love (20 Buck Spin)
As the sophomore album for this Italian progressive death metal outfit, Dreaming The Strife For Love touts six new tracks that sound like they’d fit right in with that whole dark 70s vibe. Think great riffs, classic death metal vocals, and even some killer synths. This is a great example of what happens when a band really leans both into their progressive and death metal leanings in equal measure.

Demon Bitch
Master of the Games (Gates of Hell Records)
Deroit’s own classic metal band Demon Bitch have returned with their second album and follow up to their 2016 debut Hellfriends. I might be crazy, but I’m getting some heavy King Diamond and Iron Maiden inspiration here, which is always a good thing. By the third track, you’ll be hunting down your old leathers and banging your head in no time.

Think Before You Think (Boonsdale Records)
Who’s ready for some good Canadian thrash metal?! If you answered yes then get ready to check out Mutank’s first new album in 10 years, Think Before You Think is a pretty good thrash metal release that trades in the vintage sounds of their forefathers to great effect while still creating something uniquely their own.

Ritual Fog
But Merely Flesh (Transcending Obscurity Records)
Combining thrash metal and old school death metal like a high speed, head-on car crash, Ritual Fog’s debut release But Merely Flesh is a must listen. The whole thing just sounds mean, If you’re a fan of bands like Skeletal Remains, Malevolent Creation, and the like, you’ll feel right at home with this one.

The Watcher
Out of the Dark (Cruz del Sur Music)
Though it’s just their debut album, this release from Massachusetts’ The Watcher is doomy as hell while still paying homage to heavy metal’s greats from the 70s and 80s. Released just three years after their 2021 EP Your Turn To Die, this is definitely a NWOTHM album worth checking out.
Other Shit That Comes Out Today:
Against I, Songs For The Dying (Against I)
Asgaard, Lullabies For Harlots (Via Nocturna Records/Wormholedeath)
Borehead, Vita est Morte est Vita (Octopus Rising)
Burning Creation, Sea Of Dead Bodies (Via Nocturna)
Denigrate, To The Goddess Unknown (Inverse Records)
Dying Grotesque, Celestial (Archivist Records)
Project: Ultimate Satan, The Opus Satanas (Eschatonic Records)
Steel Inferno, Rush Of Power (From The Vaults)
The Gates Of Slumber, The Gates Of Slumber (Svart Records)
Wretched Fate, Incineration Of The Pious (Redefining Darkness Records)