Sebastian Bach Had a Very Public Meltdown on Social Media Amidst Marital Difficulties
Looks like former Skid Row singer turned solo artist Sebastian Bach is letting the child within the man take a little more control lately. The singer had a bit of an emotional meltdown on social media the other night and, by piecing together a series of deleted posts, it seems that the story was that, on Monday night (November 11) Bach came home to find that his wife of nine years, Suzanne Le, had left him and taken her son (Bach’s stepson) Trace as well as the couple’s dog, Neil. Upon realizing that, Bach proceeded to make a series of very ill-advised posts on Facebook.
The posts made on Monday night have since been deleted, but, between an article from an outlet called Metal Sludge and a post from a Facebook page called Rock N Roll Experience, there are screenshots of the posts that have continued to circulate after their deletion. In one of the posts, Bach shared a picture of himself in very tight pants, showing off the bulge in his crotch, with the captuion:
“I love my new pants! Wanna cum hang out with me?”
I feel like I need a shower after just looking at that post. Bach also posted a picture of his estranged wife with their dog with the caption:
“Goodbye to Neil.”

He also posted a picture of his wife and stepson with a long list of advice and hopes for Trace going forward. He posted a picture of him removing his own wedding ring and, when a fan asked him point blank in the comments if he was now single, Bach replied with a clear “Yes.”
According to Metal Addicts, Bach made another Facebook post the next day in which he apologized for his posts on Monday night that he had already deleted, saying:
“i sincerely apologize for my posts on social media last night.
“i came home to an empty house and had a very strong emotional reaction to that ????
“i am very sorry for posting anything when i am in serious pain. i apologize ❣️ i am just so in love with my wife, a world without her in it is very difficult to envision.
“to be honest when i am not with my wife i get extremely jealous of anybody who is actually with her. i know that is a flaw and i am sorry i am not perfect that is for sure. when i am away from my wife i get insecure because i love being in the same room as her more than anything in this world.
“i would be very upset if anyone thought anything bad about my wife. that is not my intention in any way. it is my jealousy that caused these emotions. my love for Suzanne makes me very jealous but that is my fault and my fault only.
“i love you Suzanne & i hope you are well. i hope you allow me to love again ????
However, even that apology has since been deleted from Bach’s Facebook account because, apparently, the couple has patched things up. In a post on Instagram, the only post about the topic that is still up as of the writing of this article, Bach posted a photo of himself with his wife with the caption:
“I would like to clarify that I am still married. What I posted 2 days ago when I got home was completely inappropriate in every way. No, I am NOT single. I should never have posted that any girl has a chance with me because I only want Suzanne. I am doing everything I can to work things out with my amazing wife. Hopefully we can come together and get back what we once had. I am ashamed for thinking my marriage was over when it is not over. I am extremely sorry for upsetting Suzanne & our families and for posting inappropriate content on the internet. I have to be accountable for my behavior and I apologize to my wife for overreacting when I got home. I know it’s going to be tough to get through this but I married Suzanne for life. The ring is back on the finger ???? and I have no plans to take it off. #ForLife #ToLiveAgain”
In the history of stupid things that Bach has said and done in his life— and whoo boy is that a long list —this is probably one of the most understandable. Coming home to find your spouse has seemingly left you is an emotionally devastating experience that could drive anyone to make stupid decisions. Bach just happens to be a celebrity with a lot of eyes on him, so, while he maybe shouldn’t have made the posts he did, I can kind of see why he did. We hope that the couple are able to find the best way to resolve any issues that have been upsetting them.