Enlarge Still, Faith No More is on hiatus.

Buzz Osborne Thinks a Fantômas Reunion Is “Very, Very, Very Unlikely”


Fans hoping to see a continuation of experimental metal supergroup Fantômas, who last performed together in 2023, are going to be disappointed, because the group’s guitarist and backing vocalist Buzz Osborne confirmed in a recent interview with Far Out Magazine that he didn’t consider it a very likely possibility:

“I think it’s very, very, very unlikely it’ll ever happen.”

Osborne wasn’t very forthcoming with details about why he thought such a reunion would never happen, and when pressed to explain, he simply responded:

“Well, you’d have to get Mike [Patton] involved in it, and who knows what’s going through his head? I just don’t see it happening.”

That’s a shame, because Osborne thinks that another Fantômas reunion would be very successful, saying:

 “I think Fantômas would do really well, especially at this point; it’s been so long since we did anything. But I just can’t see it happening.”

It’s unclear why Osborne speaks so dismissively of Patton, but he mentioned in the interview that he accidentally got involved in a band with Patton before he realized how popular Patton was:

“It was really hilarious. We’d be on tour with Fantômas, and all these Patton fans would come up to me and start asking me all these questions. I’d tell them, ‘I don’t know anything about Faith No More.’”

However, Faith No More is still on a “semi-permanent hiatus” and, while it’s true that Patton has more bands than anyone can reasonably keep track of, it doesn’t seem like his biggest-name bands are particularly active right now. So maybe Patton has a little more free time on his hands than Osborne realizes. But we’ll see what comes of it.

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