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Capra’s Tyler Harper Details More About Cancelled Shows


No funny business here. As a refresher—over the summer, hardcore band Capra announced they were cancelling the rest of their 2024 shows due to the mental health of the band’s guitarist and founder Tyler Harper. He cited struggling with depression and burnout as the driving force behind the decision, and he’s just given us an update on what’s happening with him now.

Harper’s recent efforts have now focused on him being in an addiction treatment center where he can get the support he needs, without providing a time frame for his or the band’s return to the stage. All he said is that it’ll happen when “the time is right,” and honestly, he didn’t even owe us that as far as an explanation goes. We just want him to be okay.

He posted an update on his condition and current mindset with everything going on. Read his statement below.

“Hey everyone, Tyler here. 

“To start this update off, I want to acknowledge and apologize for the lack of communication on my end. 

“Many already know that for the majority of this year depression kicked my teeth in. Since making the decision to take a step back, I haven’t had the words or thought process to truly explain it. Some get it, some don’t. The thought of letting others around me down made that decision much harder to make. Burnout from the road, balancing the touring lifestyle while trying to survive at home, and questioning my own life’s purpose shut me down causing the things that I’ve loved my entire life to become temporarily unenjoyable. 

“Thankfully, I’ve found the reason I needed to be absent. I started this band in 2015 right out of my 7th treatment center while I was 4 months drug and alcohol free. The goal behind the music was always to help others who were struggling or felt stuck to relate and let some of it go. Now at nearly 10 years clean/sober, I’ve found my place working at a phenomenal treatment center for addiction and being able to help others on a much closer level. I didn’t realize earlier this year that spiraling so hard would lead me to being exactly where I’m needed and I hope this clears up some of the confusion regarding our sudden halt. 

“I know this was long, and with all of that said, writing music is something that will always be a part of me. I’m not stopping and this isn’t the end of the band. Thank you for sticking with us, and thank you for all the love / support over the years. We will see you again when the time is right. 


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